Incandenza: Our Classic Sour IPA

Incandenza Sour IPA

Incandenza - Sour IPA

Incandenza is one our most cherished beers. It's a tried and true Hudson Valley Sour IPA, and was the first that we ever brewed here. In fact, we'd been working out the recipe and idea years before we ever opened our doors!

What was true then was true now: we can highlight the pithy citrus character of most hops by creating a beer that has more acidity. Incandenza helped us figure that out, and while our Sour IPAs have gone in many wild directions since we first brewed this little fella, it's always been the foundation of our beer.

We come back to Incandenza after all that because of the beauty of its simplicity.
It's unadorned by fruit, unembellished by botanicals or flavors.
It's bright, quenching, and delicious.
It's the delicate dance of hops and acidity.
It's a Hudson Valley Classic.

Incandenza Sour IPA in can and glass.


Sour IPA with wheat; hopped with Citra and Nelson.
Tastes like: lemongrass tea, freshly cut grass, frozen margarita.

Harry ManningComment