Arrowood // Hudson Valley Brewery


Last month, our friends over Arrowood Farms came to Beacon to brew our first collaboration beer together. Domicile is a Sour IPA with sage and peach, brewed with 100% NYS ingredients.

Photo of Mike and Matt from Arrowood harvesting Sage

Photo of Arrowood picking up Domicile

Arrowood shares our commitment to featuring New York State farm ingredients in their beers, and we worked together to source and grow local grain, sage and peaches.

We only have a few cases left online, but you can find it over at Arrowood Farms and from select retailers around the Hudson Valley.

Photo of HVB and Arrowood

Photo of Domicile

Domicile | 5%

Sour IPA brewed w/ all NYS grain, peach & sage; hopped with Excelsior. Collaboration with Arrowood Farm Brewery.

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