Curtains VII VIII & IX

Photo of Curtains VII, VIII & IX

Photo of Curtains VII, VIII & IX

At Hudson Valley Brewery, we love to experiment with combining different ingredients in our beer - fruit, nuts, chocolate, vanilla, botanicals, wine grapes - the list never ends!

Photo of Curtains VIII & IX Bottles

Photo of Curtains VIII & IX Bottles

As a result, we’ve always wanted to brew and bottle Imperial Stout - knowing this style would be a perfect platform for our ideas. We are happy to say that day has come!

Photo of Labeled Curtains VIII Bottles

Photo of Labeled Curtains VIII Bottles

This release features our very first bottling of Imperial Stout, and we could not be more excited to kick things off with The Veil, as they have been a big influence on how we think about the style.

Photo of bottles of Curtains IX being washed

Photo of bottles of Curtains IX being washed

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